Inauguration of SCAAST Board of Fellows

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Singapore-China Association for Advancement in Science and Technology Annual General Meeting 2016/2017

President’s Approval Letter of SCAAST Board of Fellows

Following the AGM 2016/2017 bill on formation of the SCAAST Board of Fellows as well as the decision made at the 1st meeting of the 5th Executive Committee,I approve the qualifications for a SCAAST Fellow and the organization of the SCAAST Board of Fellows as follows:

1. SCAAST Fellows are from within the Ordinary Members defined in the Constitution, and must be from within its Permanent Members; the number of Fellows should not exceed 1/3 of the Ordinary Members;

2. SCAAST Fellow is a permanent title awarded to those Permanent Members who have significantly contributed to SCAAST via their long-term services since the foundation of the association; From within the Permanent Members, the Fellows belongs to the constitutional Ordinary Members, and in principle, the number of Fellows should not exceed 1/3 of the Ordinary Members;

3. The Fellows should be those Permanent Members who are well established in theoretical or practical work in the fields of science, medicine, engineering and management science;

4. The Fellows should be those Permanent Members who have also displayed integrity, responsibility and reliability in the association’s functions, which is of consensus on SCAAST’s value system;

5. The first cohort of Fellows shall be selected from the Permanent Members by the President’s Selection Committee;

6. The second and onward cohorts of Fellows shall be added annually around AGM; each Fellow candidate should be recommended by at least two Fellows, submit his/her resume, and supported by at least 2/3 of the Board of Fellows via voting at the board meeting;

7. There is one Chair of Board of Fellows in charge of the organization, reporting to the President in the Executive Committee; The President may be the Co-Chair of Board of Fellows to advice on its functions.

I am pleased to announce the list of the 2016/2017 selected SCAAST Fellows:

Lin Feng(Information and Computing Technologies, Chair of Board of Fellows), Shen Zexiang(Energy Engineering, Co-Chair of Board of Fellows), [the followings are in alphabetic order of their surnames] Fang Zhongping (Integrated Manufacturing Technologies), Ho Kok Sun (Biomedical Sciences), Li Erping (Information and Computing Technologies), Liu Xiangyang (Materials Engineering), Ren Zhimin (Management Science), Sun Xiaowei (Materials Engineering, Environmental Science), Francis Show (Biomedical Sciences), Xie Min (Integrated Manufacturing Technologies), Zhao Yi (Biomedical Sciences), Zhou Changjiu (Integrated Manufacturing Technologies)

Dr Shen Zexiang, SCAAST President
5 July 2017