SCAAST Journal of Biomedical Engineering is an online annual periodical published by Singapore-China Association for Advancement in Science and Technology. The journal publishes original works, in-depth reviews and perspectives on various biomedical sciences, engineering and informatics research topics, to provide valuable references for scientists, engineers and professionals in the domain.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr Lin Feng, Singapore
Associate Editors: Dr Ho Kok Seng, Singapore, Dr Zhao Yi, Singapore
Editorial Managers: Mr Peter Song, Mr Ai Xi Ran
Editorial Office: 1 North Bridge Road, #16-05, High Street Centre, Singapore 179094
Tel : (65) 63373566, Fax: (65) 63391822, Email:
Editorial Board:
Dr. Ho Kok Sun, Singapore
Dr. Lin Feng, Singapore
Dr. Pan Shen Quan, Singapore
Dr. Qiu Bo, China
Dr. Francis Seow, Singapore
Dr. Zhao Yi,Singapore
Vol. 1, 2016 (To continue …)