Our Mission协会宗旨

SCAAST‘s mission is to promote the interaction and advancement of science and technology between Singapore and China. Our objectives are as follows:

  1. To provide a platform for communication and cooperation in science and technology between Singapore and China.
  2. To promote and organise activities for science and technology interactions among its members, as well as between the scientific organizations from Singapore and China.
  3. To facilitate the exchange and collaboration in scientific research, education and business development between Singapore and China.
  4. To provide professional consultation to the science and technology in Singapore and China, as well as assistance in fostering strategic partnership in science and technology between the relevant government bodies.


To accomplish our mission, SCAAST will organize trade missions, forums, exhibitions and industrial visits. SCAAST will publicise major scientific developments and announcements of major scientific events and forums. With the strong academic credentials of its members, SCAAST can help our members to promote their research results and assist in fostering partnerships to bridge the gap between from research and commercialization.

With a group of scientists and professionals on its executive committee, SCAAST will provide professional advice and consultation on scientific research, commercialisation and project management. SCAAST is able to assist our members to fulfill the potentials through organising training sessions, industrial attachments and internship programmes.

v 协会宗旨

  • 促进新中科技教育交流
  • 推动两国经济共同发展

 v 协会使命


  • 努力提升新加坡科学技术的国际水平
  • 广泛宣传新中科学技术的发展与成就
  • 积极促进新中科技人才的交流与沟通
  • 大力推动两国科技成果的转化与合作


  • 为新加坡科技精英提供社交聚会,交叉学科交流的平台。
  • 向会员传达新中两国每年的重大科技活动及日程预告。
  • 为会员提供发表专业成果信息的平台。
  • 组织会员定期活动,如聚会、信息交流座谈会,年会,文体活动,休闲旅游等。
  • 积极组织新中两国的相关专家、学者参与各种交流会,展览会,促进双方项目合作。
  • 提供专家人选及组织项目转化、指导。
  • 为学生会员在新中就业提供指导信息。
  • 协助学生会员建立与新中职业介绍机构、用人单位的联系。
  • 为公司会员提供发表产品信息的平台。
  • 为公司会员提供可做项目转化的科技信息。
  • 为公司会员组织科技项目专题报告、讨论会。