President’s Message会长致辞







蓝伟光 博士

Message from Founding President of SCAAST

  • SCAAST endeavors to play an active role in promoting co-operation and interaction in scientific research and technological development between Singapore and China.

  • SCAAST welcomes all scientists, professionals and corporations to join together in contributing to the economic development and prosperity of the two countries.

Today, Singapore is a centre of excellence in terms of advanced manufacturing and scientific research. China, in parallel, has adopted a policy of economic reform since the 1970‘s. After the rapid development of the past thirty years, China has made remarkable progress in both industrialisation and scientific research.

 Singapore has shown its presence in China since the very beginning of China’s endeavor toward modernization. This bilateral relationship between Singapore and China has been widely expanded and is very significant in both scale and essence,but there is still room for us to further promote the strengths of both nations. In particular, we would like to showcase Singapore‘s strength in each domain to the people of China,while at the same time also increasing Singapore’s awareness of China‘s strength in scientific research and technological development.

Motivated by this timely need for a further deepening of the bilateral relationship in science and technology between Singapore and China, we initiated the establishment of the Singapore-China Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology early in 2009. This new Association has been approved by the Singapore government and was officially registered in October 2009.

I wish the Singapore-China Association for Advancement of Science and Technology a steady growth in its membership and that it will significantly contribute to the advancement of science, technology, business as well as to the economies of both Singapore and China.

Dr. Lu Li
January 2010

创会会长 吕力博士 致辞


  • 让我们与时俱进,携手办好我们大家的新中科促会,挥洒二十一世纪的浓墨重彩为新中两国共同繁荣昌盛之花添芳加艳。

新加坡 – 中国科学技术交流促进协会正式成立之 际. 也即将迎来新加坡和中国建交二十周年。

新加坡为了提升竞争力,从八十年代起,政府就有计划地从世界各 地引进先进的科学技术和大批高级科技、工业和管理人才,使今天 的新加坡成为亚洲先进的制造、 设计、研发和科技交流的中心。 中国改革开放三十年来,工业和科技发展突飞猛进,中国不仅已成 为世界各工业体的制造业基地和产品市场,同时在前沿的高科技领 域也取得了骄人的成就。

虽然新加坡是最早参与中国现代化建设的国家,在中国拥有大规模 的投资项目,近年来与中国在商业、文化、艺术和教育等方面的交 流合作也越来越密切,但是大多数中国人对新加坡工业能力和科技 发展的了解仍有一定的局限性。中国作为世界科技与制造业大国的 地位也尚未在新加坡产生足够的影响;新加坡和中国在科技和工业 诸多领域内的合作仍有极大的发展空间。

为此,我们一批在新加坡工作的科学家、工程师和企业家有感于促 进新中科技交流的紧迫性,萌生了组织起来,共同努力的意愿,并 得到广大专业人士与社会各界的支持和协助。新加坡 – 中国科学技 术交流促进协会 (简称新中科促会) 于2009年1月开始筹建,并于 2009年10月获得新加坡政府批准,正式注册成立。


新加坡 – 中国科学技术交流促进协会

吕力 博士

2010 年 1 月